If the flux of DC motor approaches zero, its ___

If the flux of DC motor approaches zero, its speed will

A. Remain unchanged.
B. Approach zero.
C. Aprroach infinity.
D. Between zero and infinity.

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Answer: C

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If the flux of a DC motor approaches zero, its speed will approach infinity.

The speed of a DC motor is given by the equation:

N = (V - E) / kφ

where N is the speed, V is the applied voltage, E is the back electromotive force (EMF) of the motor, k is a constant, and φ is the flux.

When the flux approaches zero, the denominator in the equation becomes very small, resulting in a large value for the speed N. As the flux decreases, the back EMF E also decreases, leading to an increase in the speed of the motor.

Therefore, as the flux of a DC motor approaches zero, its speed will approach infinity.

Hence, the correct answer is C: Approach infinity.