Thermal electromotive force vs temperature for several types of Thermocouples

Figure presents experimental curves thermal electromotive force vs temperature for several types of thermocouples.

There are various types of thermocouples:

• Platinum and Platinum - 10% Rhodium (type S) from -50 to 1765 °C;

• Platinum - 6% Rhodium and Platinum - 30% Rhodium (type B) from 0 to 1820 °C;

• Nickel - Chromium and Nickel - Aluminium (Chromel-Alumel, type K) from -270 to 1370 °C;

• Iron and Copper - Nickel (Iron - Constantan, type J) from -210 to 1200 °C;

• Copper and Copper - Nickel (Copper - Constantan, type T) from -270 to 400 °C;

• Nickel - Chromium and Copper - Nickel (Chromel - Constantan, type E) from -270 to 1000 °C.