COAL - Proximate Analysis and Ultimate Analysis

Coal can be analysed by two methods

(i) Proximate Analysis
(ii) Ultimate Analysis

(i) Proximate Analysis

The analysis of moisture content, fixed carbon, volatile matter and Ash content of coal is called proximate Analysis of coal

Analysis of Moisture Control in coal:

1-2 gms of powdered coal is taken in a dry crucible and heated for 105deg c for 1 hour is cooled over concentrated h2so4.

% of moisture content =( (W-W1)/W) x 100

where W is the 1-2 gms weight of coal powder before heating

W1 - Weight of coal powder after heating at 105 for 1 hour

Analysis of volatile Matter in coal

1-2 gms of coal is taken in a platinum crucible and heated in a furnace at 950 deg c for 7 min and it is cooled over as explained earlier

% of volatile matter in coal (W1-W2)/W1 x100

W1 - Weight of coal powder after heating at 105 for 1 hour

W2 - Weight of coal powder after heating at 950deg for 7min

Analysis of fixed carbon and Ash

1-2 gms powedered coal is taken in a platinum crucible with lid and carefully heated until to remove all volatile matter and then the lid is removed and strongly heated at 750deg c until all carbanaeous content are reonved then it is cooled

% of ash = (ash weight / coal powder weight) x 100

% of fixed carbon = 100 -(% moisture content+ % of volatile matter + % of ash content)


It is the analysis of element wise coal composition. It is helpful in finding the % of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,sulphur and oxygen content.

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