Edge Computing & SCADA

Hello ,

I’m working i project that require to have Telemetry , PLC , Edge computing as architecture system ,firewall …etc

Could any one explain to me the philosophy ,?
I’m not used with this technology
why we need to implement Telemetry whereas we can use cloud for data transmission !

In your SCADA project, you’re working with a combination of technologies, each with its own role in creating an effective system.

Let’s understand the purpose of each element in this architecture.

Telemetry: Telemetry is used for data collection and transmission from remote or inaccessible points to a location where the data can be analyzed. It allows monitoring and control of remote systems. For example, it’s frequently used in the utility industry to monitor things like water levels, gas pressure, etc. The reason you might need telemetry in addition to cloud-based transmission is that telemetry is designed specifically for data transmission in real-time over long distances, which is especially useful in settings where internet connectivity might be limited or unreliable. It often uses dedicated communication channels, which can provide a more reliable connection than a general internet-based cloud connection.

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): A PLC is a specialized, ruggedized controller used for industrial automation. These systems control machinery on factory assembly lines, amusement rides, or light fixtures, among other things. The role of the PLC is to interact directly with the physical world through sensors and actuators, and control processes based on the programmed logic.

Edge Computing: Edge computing processes data at the edge of the network, near the source of the data, instead of sending it back to a central cloud-based system for processing. It can provide real-time or near-real-time processing and can help reduce the amount of data that needs to be sent over the network, which can be critical in settings where network bandwidth is limited. In your system, edge computing could be used to process data locally at each telemetry site before it is sent on to the main system.

Firewall: A firewall is used to help secure your network. It is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules. With telemetry and edge computing devices often being exposed to the internet, having a good firewall in place is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and attacks.

In Summary: You are collecting data from some physical process using a PLC. This data is processed locally at the edge of the network (edge computing) to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and to provide faster response times. This data is then transmitted using telemetry to a centralized location for further processing or analysis. The firewall is in place to provide security for the entire system, ensuring that only authorized data communications occur.

The specific configuration and need for each of these elements can vary greatly depending on the exact requirements of your project, such as the types of data you’re working with, the physical environment, and specific performance or security requirements.