If J is moment of Inertia, D is damping constant, C is spring constant, G is displacement constant and I is current throught the coil of DArsonval galvanometer, the equation of motion is ___

If J is moment of Inertia, D is damping constant, C is spring constant, G is displacement constant and I is current throught the coil of DArsonval galvanometer, the equation of motion is

A. J d2θ/dt2 - D dθ/dt + Cθ = GI

B. J d2θ/dt2 + D dθ/dt + Cθ = GI

C. J d2θ/dt2 + D dθ/dt + GI = Cθ

D. J d2θ/dt2 + D dθ/dt - Cθ = GI

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Answer: B

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