- Explain what is a dc power supply?
The part of the equipment that converts ac into dc is called dc power supply.
- Explain what is a rectifier?
A rectifier is a device which converts alternating current (or voltage) into unidirectional current (or voltage).
- Explain what is PIV of a diode in a rectifier circuit?
Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV) is the maximum possible voltage that occurs across a diode when it is reverse biased.
- Explain what is the importance of peak inverse voltage?
If the applied voltage in reverse biased condition exceeds peak inverse voltage (PIV) rating of the diode, then the diode may get damaged.
- Explain why half-wave rectifiers are generally not used in dc power supply?
The type of supply available from half-wave rectifier is not satisfactory for general power supply. That is Explain why it is generally not used in dc power supply.
- Explain why diodes are not operated in the breakdown region in rectifiers?
In breakdown region, a diode has a risk of getting damaged or burnt because the magnitude of current flowing through it increases in an uncontrollable manner. That is Explain why didoes are not operated in the breakdown region in rectifiers.
- Define ripple as referred to in a rectifier circuit.
The ac component contained in the pulsating output of a rectifier is known as ripple.
- Explain what is transformer utilization factor?
Transformer utilization factor is defined as the ratio of power delivered to the load and ac rating of secondary of supply power transformer.
- The output of a 60Hz full-wave bridge rectifier has a 60 Hz ripple. It this circuit working properly?
A full-wave rectifier with 60Hz input must have lowest ripple frequency equal to twice the input frqeuency i.e. 120Hz. If the ripple frequency is 60Hz, it means some diodes in the circuit are not working.
- Explain what is meant by filter?
Filter is a device that converts pulsating output of rectifier into a steady dc level.