Siemens SCADA WinCC TIA Portal

Configuring buttons and output


  1. Open →TIA portal v13
  2. Create a new project
  3. Give project name, path, author, comment and click on create
  4. Go to →project view
  5. In project tree go to →"add new device"
  6. Go to → PC system>Simatic HMI application>WinCC RT advanced
  7. Click → ok.
  8. Go to →
    Hardware catalog>pc system>communication modules>Profinet/Ethernet>IE general.
    Drag and drop to Simatic PC station in device view
  9. Go to → project tree>hmi_rt_1 >screen>add new screen
  10. Take three buttons from tool box> elements, and also take one circle from >toolbox > basic objects
  11. Rename buttons to “Start”, "Stop”, and “Exit” and add text field below circle and give name to “Motor”
  12. Go to → project tree>HMI tag>default tag table
  13. Click on “add new” and add 'start tag", “stop tag”, and “lamp” and data type “bool”
  14. Now go to screen>screen_1>select "start button and click below its “properties”
  15. In properties go to “events tab” >select “click” > double click on ‘add function’ and search for “set bit”, after selection in place of “tag(input/output” assign “start tag”.
  16. Now select “stop button” properties >event>click> search for “invert bit”> assign “start” tag
  17. Click lamp > properties> animation>appearance >dynamic colors and flashing
  18. Add tag name" Start" in below table add range “0” and “1” set back ground color "red for “0”, and "green for “1”.
  19. Now select "Exit” button properties >event>click> search for “stop runtime”
  20. Compile the project.
  21. Start “runtime”




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