What is Wellhead Control Panels (WHCP)?

Wellhead Control Panels (WHCPs) are also known as Shutdown Panels (SDP) Emergency Shutdown Systems (ESD) Hydraulic Safety Shutdown System (HSSS).

These are fail safe shutdown systems which have pneumatic/hydraulic/electric components; WHCPs can also be integrated with PLC/ RTU/ SCADA. WHCPs are standalone control systems as well as an interface between the plant control and the wellhead safety system.

WHCPs are used for monitoring, controlling (Remote/Local) and safe shutdown of Subsurface Controlled Safety Valves (SCSSV), Surface Safety Valves (SSV), and other wellhead safety valves (Choke, ESD, HIPPS) in oil & gas production fields to ensure safe operation of unattended wells/platforms.

WHCPs may have multiple applications, which include, but are not limited to

  • Safe and Sequential Operation of Wellhead Valves (SCSSV/SSV/Wing Etc.)
  • Emergency and Fire Shutdown
  • Safe Operation of Riser Valves
  • Flow line Pressure control
  • Well Test Operation
  • HIPPS /ESD/ Choke Valve Control
  • Partial Stroking

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The wellhead control panel (WHCP) is a hydraulic system that utilizes a hydraulic power pack (pump and accumulators) and a wellhead control module to perform its task.

The output of WHCP is high pressure hydraulic supply and medium hydraulic supply to operate choke and safety valves. The wellhead control panel is also the interface between the plant control and the well safety system.

A typical wellhead control panel contains a system of valves and regulators, situated topside at the power source, which may be operated manually or by remote control to direct pressurized mineral oil or water-glycol to final control elements at the wellhead/Christmas tree.

A typical arrangement includes - reservoir, pumps, accumulators, solenoids, valves, pressure regulators, switches, motor control, transmitters and junction boxes. Each well is typically equipped with:

• Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valves (SCSSV) or Down Hole Valves (DHV)
(In most applications, SCSSV is an on-o valve with hydraulic actuators)

• Surface Safety Valves (SSV) • Master Valves (MV)
• Wing Valves (WV) (controls production rate)

wellhead control panel (WHCP)

Image Courtesy : tridentaustralia


Key Objectives of Well Head Control Panel (WHCP)

• Critical control of safety valves

• Remotely control and monitor multiple wells from a single point

• Control production rates to optimize well profitability and yield

What is Well Head Control Panel ?


There are “two” Panels at Wells.

1- Hydraulic Panel
2- Control Panel

Your are asking about Control Panels, So following are important constituents :

1- RTU (PLC/Modules/Cards, Com switches, Serial/Ethernet/Converters, ODFs, Protocol Convertor )
2- TB for field devices terminals/Fuses/relays/wiring
3- Battery Voltages OR CP Voltages-Monitoring Circuits
4- Barriers/Isolators/ Any module as a transmitter.


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A high-integrity pressure protection system (HIPPS) is a type of safety instrumented system (SIS) designed to prevent over-pressurization of a plant, such as a chemical plant or oil refinery.

The HIPPS will shut off the source of the high pressure before the design pressure of the system is exceeded, thus preventing loss of containment through rupture (explosion) of a line or vessel.

Therefore, a HIPPS is considered as a barrier between a high-pressure and a low-pressure section of an installation.