Why are 3-wire gas detectors still being used in the industry?

Why are 3-wire gas detectors still being used in the oil & gas industry when 2-wire GDs are available in the market?

3-wire Gas Detectors

There are a few reasons why 3-wire detectors might still be in use, even though 2-wire detectors are available:

  • Existing Infrastructure: Many installations have existing 3-wire systems. Replacing these with 2-wire systems can be costly and time-consuming.
  • Power Requirements: 3-wire detectors have separate lines for power supply and signal output, which can sometimes make them more versatile or easier to integrate with certain systems.
  • Preference and Familiarity: Some organizations may simply prefer 3-wire systems because that’s what they’ve always used, and they know how to work with them.

Why 3-wire Gas detectors? Read the below article.